
Ideal Talent Image


Creative Talent

A talent who creates new values based on creative thinking and creativity.
Talent who yields great results with strong will and passion and a constant spirit of challenging.


Digital Talent

A talent that creates new opportunities based on convergent thinking and digital capabilities
A talent that can proactively respond to changes in the digital environment of customers and markets.


Global Talent

A talent that grows with the organization through communication and cooperation based on global business capabilities.
A talent that seeks to become a top professional who can compete globally with pride and responsibility in their work.

Training System

Evaluation System

We conduct fair and objective individual and collective evaluations based on capabilities and performance.

Group evaluation

team evaluation
and organization evaluation

Personal evaluation

Competency evaluation is carried out based on management by objective (MBO).

Promotion System

We are implementing a fair and reasonable promotion system that values the competence and performance of our employees.

  • Rational management that values individual skills
  • Training of professionals through efficient career management
  • Selected for promotion based on extraordinary talent
Special Promotion System Operation

Promotion system that promotes talented employees early in consideration of individual ability, work contribution, and performance

Reward System

We provide fair compensation through a thorough evaluation based on performance.

  • Basic salary
  • allowance
  • bonus
  • When the company achieves its target management goal, it shares its performance with all executives and employees to promote the morale of executives and employees.

Welfare Benefits

With the importance of human resources as the top priority, we operate various welfare programs for employees to improve their quality of life.

Financial Support

Student Aidkindergarten, high school, and university students Gifts and Expenses Support for Family Eventsmarriage, 60th birthday, 70th birthday, funerals, etc. Financial benefits for long term employees

Work & Life Balance

Recreational Facilitiesoperation of resorts and condos, etc. Vacation Systemstatutory leave (annual leave, childbirth, childcare, etc.)

Healthcare and Other Benefits

Medical CheckupGeneral check-up and special examinations Support for Social ClubsHanyang Bros and other clubs